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Reach Your Academic Goals Today!

Unlock Your Potential with Expert Tutoring

  • Accessible personalized learning through affordable 1-on-1 sessions.

  • Accredited tutors with expertise in various curricula.
  • A guaranteed improvement in performance after six sessions.

Reach Your Academic Goals Today!

Trusted by top academic organizations and institutions

Native speakers and certified private tutors

Our Services

Booking Basics in numbers 

Satisfied Students
Vetted Tutors
Teaching Hours

Here in Booking Basics we ensure a 100% satisfaction guarantee 

Adaptive learning strategies based on your unique learning style

Find the best tutor

Choose from over 400 vetted tutors

Take lessons anytime

Easily schedule lessons to fit your life, anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks.

Enter virtual classroom

Connect with your tutor at lesson time using our all-inclusive video platform.

Enjoy well-planned Learning
Keep track of your learning progress. Improve your speaking and vocabulary with our Learning plans

Get expert help when you need it

Our tutors are individuals who possess a highly professional demeanor, exceptional communication skills, and a proven track record of academic success.

Ali D.

Zeinab F.

Elissa K.

Karen M.

Rayan Y.

Mohammad R.

Boosting your academic progress is our priority

Don’t just take our word for it. See what students have to say…

We take pride in our students' success and satisfaction. Here are some testimonials from our satisfied students:

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